What You Can Expect

When you arrive, we’ll introduce ourselves and talk with you about your concerns. You may have one issue, more than one, or several aspects of your life you would like to talk about. These could be physical, mental, emotional or life path issues, or perhaps a combination.

What happens next will vary, depending on the issues you would like help with. You may be asked to remain seated, or to lie on the healing bed. If so, you will remain fully clothed, and covered if you wish. Jan will be at your side, to make sure you feel comfortable and safe and will answer any questions you may have. If we do need Bill to place his hands on, for example, your head, or your feet, permission will always be sought from you first.

To identify the root cause/s Bill goes into a state of mind that allows him to focus and work with the natural energies around you. We’ll talk to you about the process, the ‘energy healing prescription that’s just right for you’ and if you are happy we will begin. You may, however prefer to consider what has been discussed prior to going ahead.

View from our therapy room

We have a lovely healing room overlooking a valley, and many people comment on how welcoming it is. The light and airy room and positive energy really helps with our work.


So what will happen during the healing process?

Depending on your Natural Energy Healing Prescription, and as with all things in life, there are many variables. So to tell you what we would do to help you would be almost impossible. But I can tell you about the general approach to our work. Its possible there may be more than one issue that you have so whilst Bill is working on your energy fields, Jan will be talking with you to help you understand what is happening and to assist the energy re-alignment process. It all sounds very complicated but it is carried out in a relaxed way. People often find this an enjoyable experience, and sometimes even involves good honest humour!

At the end of each session we will go through what we have achieved to make sure you fully understand the stage you are at within your healing process. If a follow-up appointment is needed we’ll offer you the option to book one there and then to make sure the right amount of time has elapsed prior to your next healing session. You will not be given medicines of any sort.

Holistic Healing Partnership


How many sessions will I need?

It’s difficult to say until we see you and assess what you need. For small pieces of work between 1-3 sessions may be sufficient, but where we work on very serious complaints, many sessions may be required.

So, you may ask yourself, “at this point in my life how many people have tried to correct my issues?”  If it’s one person you’ve seen on one occasion that will give you an idea that it may not be a very serious problem you have. In that case only a few sessions may be needed.  If you say to yourself, “well goodness me, the health services are drawing a blank, it’s likely that Bill and Jan and the universe of energies may need quite a few sessions to sort me out.”

So, at this stage, perhaps you can help yourself and gauge what may be needed. Don’t worry though, we will be very honest with you, and you will only have the number of sessions we think you need. We hope this explanation helps you.

Bill & Jan Coverdale - Holistic Healing Partnership